Tour: UC Irvine

Transfer Center, Cruz Reynoso Hall, Room 212

On March 14th, the Transfer Center will be taking students to tour UC Irvine! Come check out the campus, find out about programs and resources that are offered, and learn what it means to be an Anteater! To register, come into our office (Cruz Reynoso Hall, Rm. 212) to sign up!

Grand Canyon University: Tabling

Transfer Center, Cruz Reynoso Hall, Room 212

Grand Canyon University will have a representative tabling outside the Transfer Center on Wednesday, March 19 from 10AM-1PM.  Feel free to stop by if you have any questions for them!

UC Irvine: Transfer Prep Appointments

Transfer Center, Cruz Reynoso Hall, Room 212

Attention students interested in transferring to UC Irvine! The FC Transfer Center will have a UCI representative inside our Center! Appointments may include insight into campus programs and resources, student life, housing, UC application assistance, and more. An assessment of admission probability or competitiveness will not be offered. For more information, check our University Representatives page […]