Samen zijn, samen spelen, samen leren over Arabische cultuur en taal
Het Lichthuis is in de weekendavonduren open voor mensen met psychische kwetsbaarheid. Een veilige plek om even op adem te komen:
Trunk or Treat will be on Sunday, October 29th, from 4:30-6:30 PM! Come enjoy some safe family fun. Dress in costume and trick-or-treat at dozens of decorated trunks in the parking lot of Saint Paul's (corner of E Tharpe Street and Moss St). Lugos food truck will be on site for meal purchases to make […]
Make international friends & speak languages (local language included). The languages spoken may vary based on the participants. Local language and English are always available options. 👉🍺🥤 You are asked to order a drink directly upon arrival to participate. 🚫 Outside food and drinks are not allowed. Thanks in advance for your respect towards the […]