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Tropical Dingoes

Live music every weekend at Harrigan's Cameron Park

Bobby C

Live music every weekend at Harrigan's Cameron Park

Family and Friends of LGBTQ+ Ministry

@ Join us in the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry! This group, composed of members of the church who love their gay and lesbian family members unconditionally, supports the LGBT […]

Group Spiritual Reflection – In Person

@ Meet us in the Franciscan Center for our Monday in person gathering. Our gathering will reflect upon the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday to guide us on our path […]

Colour Theory Duo

Live music every weekend at Harrigan's Cameron Park


Live music every weekend at Harrigan's Cameron Park

Rebecca Henry

Live music every weekend at Harrigan's Cameron Park

Theesalon: N. en naailes

Vrouwen van diverse culturen ontmoeten elkaar tijdens deze gezellige theeochtend. Er is naailes, taalles en ontmoeting.


Conversatieles van Hamad

De enthousiaste en gedreven Taalcoach Hamad geeft taalles in kleine groepen. Iedere les is weer leuk en laagdrempeling. Elke ma. en do.

Tai Chi

Zachte vloeiende bewegingsoefeningen die ervoor zorgen dat de energie in je lichaam stroomt. Voor iedereen die in balans de ochtend wilt starten.

Info via Isabel