Deprecated: Function Template overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: default-template.php is deprecated since version 3.2! Use community/default-template.php instead. in /home/vatehumeyi8816/web/ on line 6114

Deprecated: Function Template overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: default-template.php is deprecated since version 3.2! Use community/default-template.php instead. in /home/vatehumeyi8816/web/ on line 6114

Deprecated: Function Template overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: default-template.php is deprecated since version 3.2! Use community/default-template.php instead. in /home/vatehumeyi8816/web/ on line 6114

Deprecated: Function Template overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: default-template.php is deprecated since version 3.2! Use community/default-template.php instead. in /home/vatehumeyi8816/web/ on line 6114

Deprecated: Function Template overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: default-template.php is deprecated since version 3.2! Use community/default-template.php instead. in /home/vatehumeyi8816/web/ on line 6114

Deprecated: Function Template overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: default-template.php is deprecated since version 3.2! Use community/default-template.php instead. in /home/vatehumeyi8816/web/ on line 6114

Deprecated: Function Template overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: default-template.php is deprecated since version 3.2! Use community/default-template.php instead. in /home/vatehumeyi8816/web/ on line 6114
Single event page – Iris' BasicBox


Changing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the filtered results.

Conversatieles van Hamad

De enthousiaste en gedreven Taalcoach Hamad geeft taalles in kleine [...]


Elke week kan je terecht bij de Digi-Hulp voor al [...]

Nederlandse les

Judith en Anita geven met veel geduld les aan iedereen [...]

Info via Anita

Conversatieles door Anita

Beter leren praten en lezen: kleine groepen oefen je op [...]

Taalcoach Anita

Diëtist Carina

Spreekuur over voeding voor iedereen op verwijzing of eigen initiatief.

Info via Carina

WegWijsSalon, WWS

Vragen over geld, gezondheid, wonen? Verschillende professionals uit de wijk [...]

Open inloop

Conversatieles door Anita

Aan de koffietafel in de Meeuw geven vrijwilligster Anita en [...]

Taalcoach Anita

Lichthuis ontmoeting

Het Lichthuis is in de weekendavonduren open voor mensen met [...]

Info via Kersten
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